10 CrossFit Kids Home Workouts to Offer Your Members

10 CrossFit Kids Home Workouts to Offer Your Members

10 CrossFit Kids Home Workouts to Offer Your Members

With gyms around the world moving to remote fitness models in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, the situation has opened an opportunity to provide new value to your members or even create an entirely new revenue stream for owners: online kid’s programming and coaching.

Children interact differently now than even 5 or 10 years ago. For them, online learning is second nature. That means CrossFit Kids classes taught over group video-conferencing software have a better chance of long-term success compared to adult classes taught the same way.

For stressed parents working from home, an hour of someone else engaging with their kids in a healthy activity can be a big help. And if that person happens to be a trusted coach at the family’s gym, even better. 

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Here are 10 CrossFit Kids workouts designed to be completed at home with limited equipment (sports balls, books, brooms, etc.) Hopefully they’re a jumping-off point for you to create your own successful remote kid’s program. The most important thing to remember is to keep the moves simple and fun, and adjust your expectations in regards to skill, attention span, and ability to follow cues, especially with younger kids. Special thanks to CrossFit Kids Coach Steph Vetro (@stephvisme) for contributing some of her favorite kid’s WODs.

1. Up the Mountain, Down the Mountain

Equipment: Bodyweight

12 min. EMOM
40 Mountain climbers
10 Snake ups
30 Jumping lunges
10 Sit ups
20 Ski jumps
:20 sec Hollow rock hold
Rest 2 min.

2. Jump Around

Equipment: Legs

5 Rounds
Complete each series of moves 5 times
1 jumping squat into 2 jumping lunges into 1 burpee
Rest 1 min.
1 jumping jack into 1 burpee into 1 squat jump
Rest 1 min.
1 broad jump into 1 squat jump into 1 backwards jump

3. Workout Zoo

Equipment: Light dumbbells (2 small water bottles or canned goods can also work)

3 Rounds
:20 sec. Bear Crawl
20 Bunny Hops in place
10 Inchworms
20 Frog Jumps in place
:20 sec. Duck Walk
:20 sec. Seal Crawl (use only arms to pull the body forward)
20 Butterfly Kicks
:20 sec. Crab Walk
10 Flamingo Curls (dumbbell curls with one bent leg raised, 5 each leg)

4. Superheroes!

Equipment: 1 dumbbell/plate/large book/spare Captain America shield

3 Rounds
Each round ends with a different :30 sec. Movement
12 Spider-Man climbs
6 Captain America shield twists
12 Black Widow cossack squats
6 Wonder Woman squat broad jumps
12 Iron-Man push ups
6 Supergirl cartwheels
12 Aquaman scissor kicks
6 The Wasp star jumps

Round 1 - :30 sec. Superman hold
Round 2 - :30 sec. Hulk punches
Round 3 - :30 sec. Flash high knees

5. Don’t Drop the Drink! 

Equipment: 1 (closed) container of liquid 

2 squats
4 halos (sit in a squat and circle your head with the drink)
6 thrusters 
Rest 1 min. 
2 burpees over the drink
4 sit ups holding the drink straight up in the air
6 thrusters

6. Joker’s Wild

Equipment: deck of cards

Assign one movement to each suit
(jumping jacks, squats, sit ups, lunges, etc.) 

Assign a timed move for the Jokers
(:30 sec wall sit, high plank, hollow rock hold, etc.)

Shuffle the deck, flip over a card, and perform the number of movements on that card.

Face cards = 10, Ace = 11

Depending on the age of the class, reduce the cards in the deck, or split the class into two teams and alternate turns. Opposing team chooses the Joker movement for the other team.

(This game also works well with UNO cards, substituting suits for the 4 colors and action cards.)

7. Chair Workout 

Equipment: 1 sturdy(!) chair

5 Rounds
5 Step Downs, each leg: Put one foot on the chair and count down from 3 until your other foot taps the floor and then push back up fast.
4 Step Overs, each leg: Without touching the chair, take a big step over the seat to the other side.
3 Deck Squats aka ‘You’re the Chair’: Slowly lower into a squat until sitting on the floor, roll backwards, and then return to a squat and stand up.  
2 Chair Pushes, each direction: Place a towel under the chair and a light weight on the seat (books, milk jug, etc.) Push the chair across the length of the floor.
2 Chair Burpees: Perform a burpee, step up onto and then over the chair, and complete a burpee on the other side.

8. Soccer Workout

Equipment: 1 soccer ball

12 min. AMRAP
10 soccer ball cleans
10 soccer ball squats
10 soccer ball push ups (1 hand on the ball)
:30 sec. wall sit holding the ball overhead

9. Basketball Workout

Equipment: 1 basketball

10 reps down to 1
Rest 2 min
1 rep up to 10 - Find out which way is the fastest!
10 Russian twists holding the basketball
10 Atlas squats (hold basketball on your shoulder)
10 basketball push jerks
:30 sec. wall sit squeezing the basketball between the legs

10. Baseball/Softball/Hockey/Lacrosse/Quidditch workout

Equipment: 1 sports stick

12 min. AMRAP
12 thrusters
12 burpees over the stick
12 overhead lunges
12 lateral jumps over stick
2 laps around the yard/house/building, etc.

Tag #WodiFAM in these workouts to be featured on our social media accounts!

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