The new year is the perfect time to set up a lifestyle challenge at your gym. People are looking to improve their lives, make better choices, and work off those holiday meals. To make their efforts more rewarding, check out these fun challenge ideas that will bring your fitness community together. These are only a few examples.
Duration: 4-6 weeks
Description: This challenge awards points for checking in to the gym everyday and completing either a WOD or active recovery.
Duration: 1/week
Description: This fitness-based challenge prompts participants to supplement their in-gym workouts with outdoor activity: biking, hiking, running, swimming, rollerblading, etc. One option is to award points for traveling a specific distance (e.g., miles between two familiar landmarks.)
Duration: 21 days
Description: There are 21 official CrossFit “Girls” WODs. Complete ‘em all!
Duration: 2 weeks
Description: Assign a movement and a rep amount to all 26 letters in the alphabet and post the list in your gym. Build workouts based on your participants’ names, 2-3 each day.
Duration: 30 days
Description: Complete a CrossFit Hero WOD every day for 30 days. Easy enough. Ha!
Duration: 30 days
Description: Participants should weigh/measure themselves on the first and last days of the challenge, or measure their body fat percentage, with points awarded for weight/inches/body fat lost. Participants can also complete the CrossFit “Baseline” workout on Day 1 and Day 30, to measure their improvement.
Duration: 6 weeks
Description: Australia’s CBX CrossFit used Wodify Rise to run this easy-to-follow nutrition challenge designed by CrossFit New England: 1 point for eating real food, 1 point for not eating too much, 1 point for eating mostly plants, 1 point for sleeping 7+ hours. Here's more info.
Duration: 8 weeks
Description: This challenge is a perfect way to start off the new year strong, combining elements of fitness, nutrition, and wellness. Along with daily physical activity and proper nutrition, points can be awarded for wellness-based tasks like: mediation, volunteering, limiting screen time, limiting caffeine, and staying clutter-free.
Duration: 30 days
Description: Pick a rep scheme and a number of rounds and have your participants perform these bodyweight basics daily: push-ups, squats, sit-ups and lunges.
Duration: 4-6 weeks
Description: Supplement your daily WODs with a plank challenge. To keep things interesting, vary it up with a few of these plank variations.
Duration: 12 weeks
Description: Use Wodify Pulse and your participants’ Myzone belts to help monitor their calories in vs. calories out. This article has more information on how to gamify your workouts.
Duration: 6 weeks
Description: Challenge your members to augment their fitness routine with glute and ab-targeted movements: crunches, planks, lunges, and squats.
Duration: 30 days
Description: The pull up is a foundational movement, but many struggle to achieve it. Build an ascending ladder of scales (ring rows, box- and -band-assisted) and pull-ups over a month to help your participants get over the hump.
Duration: 2 weeks
Description: Have participants build teams of 2-4 people and have them record total steps walked, miles run, weights lifted or push-ups completed.
Duration: 12 days
Description: This is an accessory work challenge designed in the vein of the “12 Days of Xmas” WOD. Assign a movement to each day, like the song “12 Days of Christmas”, and have participants build upon them, so that on the 12th day, they’re doing all 12 movements. Other options include going back down in reverse order so that the challenge ends on the 24th day, or turning the challenge into “12 WODs of CrossFit”, where on the 12th day, your participants complete 12 WODs!
Duration: 30 days
Description: Determine the distances between well-known landmarks near your gym and have your participants try and row them within the day/week/month.
Duration: 1x/day (for 30 days)
Description: Challenge your participants to pick up a few healthy habits that change their lifestyle in a positive way.
Duration: 30 days
Description: Encourage your members to adopt the habit of drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Offer water-infused recipes as well as information about how eliminating sugary juices, sodas, and alcohol promotes weight loss.
Duration: 2-4 weeks
Description: Do your members love watching TV? Playing video games? Browsing the internet? Great! Challenge them to spend at least an hour a day doing those things while standing up.
Duration: 2 weeks
Description: Create teams that compete in different fitness/nutrition/wellness events over the course of the challenge.