3 Easy Ways to Generate Summertime Revenue without Running a Camp

3 Easy Ways to Generate Summertime Revenue without Running a Camp

3 Easy Ways to Generate Summertime Revenue without Running a Camp

Summertime is right around the corner and that means parents will be looking for activities for their kids. The most obvious choice is to run a summer camp, but for fitness business owners, camps can be time consuming, create more headaches than they cure, and the income generated goes right out the door to pay staff members.

We pulled together 3 ideas that can generate more revenue while keeping costs low this summer season.


Summer camps typically last for weeks at a time, but clinics can be just a couple of days and last for a few hours. You can have them be fitness or sports specific. Think “Speed and Agility Clinic” or “Youth Barbell Clinic”. These can be held 2-3 times per week for an hour or two. 

To extend the profits of a Barbell Clinic, create a lesson plan over the course of the summer. For example: Week 1: Clean, Week 2: Snatch, Week 3: Deadlift, etc. Be sure to keep in mind the age group you are targeting and the attention span of said age group.

You can do the same for sports over the course of a few weeks. Week 1 can be Speed and Agility, Week 2: Balance and Mobility, Week 3: Stamina and Reaction time. Whatever you decide to do, don’t forget to have fun in the process - let the kids be kids!

Here’s an amazing example of kids’ clinics run by CrossFit Knoxville out of Tennessee.

Private or Small Group Training

CrossFit or Functional Fitness gyms are known for group classes, but parents are willing to pay high dollar to get their kids into sports specific training and individualized attention. Your gym could run a special for private training packages. If you set your pricing right, one-on-ones are almost always a profit generating avenue. 

You could even try up-selling a parent who wants their child to train by encouraging them to grab a small-to-medium group of their friends to come in for a day. You can train them in sports or fitness and it is a win-win for everyone financially; small group classes keep the price low per child, but generate a solid amount of profit.

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Special Kids Classes

If you don’t want to dedicate too many days or weeks within the summer to clinics or private training, you could run summer classes at special times throughout the summer months. This is a great way to attract both new members, and children of current members. Consider running a special for current clients’ children and/or introductory pricing for their first month. 

Pro tip: try scheduling these classes right before, after, or during an adult class that is already on the schedule. Add the classes to the schedule ASAP so parents see them on the Wodify App when they reserve a slot at their favorite class!

Marketing a new class or special can be overwhelming, but we have your back! Our Marketing Campaign provides materials to kickstart new avenues of income such as: social media assets, email language and assets, and graphics packages. Click here and scroll down to see all of the different campaigns created with materials ready to go!

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