Fitness facilities are places meant for community, exercise, and release, but if we don’t have proper etiquette then these spaces cannot be as sacred as they are meant to be. Due to the rapid pace of day-to-day life, we tend to be in so much of a hurry that we only focus on ourselves instead of the impact we have in our communities or spaces.
So, pause, and ask yourself: do I have proper fitness etiquette? How do we make our fitness visits pleasant and productive for everyone’s sake?
We have created a list of the most important ways to be respectful at your fitness space in order to allow others to have just as productive a workout as you!
Look, we get it: you are a busy person and busy people have emails to answer, groceries to buy, and kids to pick up at school. But when it comes to getting a solid workout in, say no to the phone. Even if you are not one of the people posting to your Instagram story between sets, you are still doing yourself a disservice to yourself and others by having your phone on you during your workout.
Phones can be an amazing tool for fitness: tracking workout performance, workout videos, connecting us with other fitness gurus and coaches, but it is no secret that phones distract us. We spend hours everyday on our phones, so what’s one hour without it!? A workout is YOUR time, don’t let anyone or anything distract you from your grind and do the same for others.
But if for some reason you do have to hop on your phone, it should only be to schedule your next appointment or log a result via the Wodify App or listening to the Wodify’s Spotify Playlist.
Not to trigger your COVID-19 anxieties, but fitness facilities tend to have a high concentration of various germs for multiple reasons: sweat, humidity, and a large group of people all touching the same equipment. Now, more than ever, the importance of cleaning practices and developing relationships with vendors and companies is crucial to keep your facility spotless and safe.
By regularly cleaning and sanitizing your facility’s equipment, you greatly reduce the spread of germs and diseases. While your coaches and fitness instructors keep your space clean, members must also take part and wipe down equipment after they are done using it. In most fitness centers, it is easy to spot sanitizing wipes hanging up on the walls or placed on a table.
Pro tip: grab a sanitizing wipe before using a piece of equipment so you don't forget afterwards to wipe down.
One more pro tip: with the current state of the world due to COVID-19, clients are particularly sensitive to the cleanliness and conscientiousness of your facility. Not keeping your facility clean could actually result in a decrease in revenue due to lost members.
This might be the number one fitness etiquette rule. Do NOT leave a trail of equipment behind you when at your fitness facility. At home (we only hope) you do not leave a pile of dishes next to the sink or around your house. Same goes for the gym, be courteous of others who might want to use the equipment after you. These are simple manners we try to teach our kids, to varying degrees of success, and it's known as cleaning up after yourself.
Proper fitness etiquette boils down to being considerate of others. Don’t sit on equipment and play on your phone. Don’t leave your sweaty bottom on the bench press for another person to sit on. Put away the dumbbell you used so another person can use it. It’s really common courtesy for others to also enjoy their fitness experience.
Pro tip: When looking into a possible fitness center membership, have a look around the place to see how clean it is. What are the members doing between sets? Are they ignoring their messes and talking on their phone?
Let us know your thoughts and be sure to tag us, @Wodify, so we can share your feedback!
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