4 Legal Shields: How Wodify Safeguards Your Membership Contracts

4 Legal Shields: How Wodify Safeguards Your Membership Contracts

4 Legal Shields: How Wodify Safeguards Your Membership Contracts

In the hustle and bustle of the fitness business world, it's crucial to have some legal mindfulness to keep your business in optimal shape. One legal slip-up could cost more than just a setback; it might jeopardize your fitness business's hard-earned momentum. That’s why Wodify doesn't just help things run smoothly in your gym; it also keeps your gym on the right side of things.  

Teaming up with Matthew Becker from Gym Lawyers, let's get into how Wodify has your back when it comes to legal stuff! We'll break down the legal nitty-gritty and see how Wodify ensures your gym is legally compliant with membership contracts. 

#1: Written Contract Template and Storage

One of the key requirements for gym owners is to provide a written membership contract, regardless of its duration—be it a week-to-week commitment or a year-long commitment. Wodify steps up to the plate by offering a comprehensive template creator that allows you to craft and upload your contract, neatly separated from any liability waivers. This feature not only takes the hassle out of writing contracts for you but also ensures that you're meeting the necessary legal requirements.

#2: Digital Signatures Made Secure with Wodify

The legal fine print often requires that clients physically sign their contracts. Wodify eliminates any grey area by requiring members to provide their digital signatures using a trackpad or a similar method. Adding an extra layer of security and ensuring that your gym stays on the right side of the law!

#3: Instant Contract Copies with Wodify's Automation

In many states, it's a requirement to immediately provide members with a copy of their signed contract. Wodify takes the hassle out of this process by automatically emailing a copy of their signed contract to your members. Giving you and your clients peace of mind!

#4: Wodify's Contract Summary Page - A Legal Necessity

Wodify doesn't stop at just delivering contracts; it goes the extra mile by providing a summary page at the front of the contracts. This page outlines essential details such as start dates, payment information, and recurring membership details—everything required by state regulations. This easily accessible summary minimizes misunderstandings and legal hiccups.


Wodify does more than gym management; it helps your gym become more legally compliant! From a user-friendly contract template to the secure digital signature process, Wodify simplifies and fortifies the legal aspects of client agreements. Ensuring your gym is legally compliant is vital to keeping your business running. Wodify is here to take another worry off your plate! 

Ready to put what you’ve learned into practice?
Download a free PDF handbook with many of NCFIT’s gym management procedures and philosophies that you can implement in your gym today.
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