4 Tips to Keep your Health on Track During the Holidays

4 Tips to Keep your Health on Track During the Holidays

4 Tips to Keep your Health on Track During the Holidays

The holidays are stressful enough so there’s no reason to add “falling off the wellness bandwagon” to the list! We’ve collected 4 easy ways to stay on track with your health and fitness while actually being able to enjoy the time with family and friends!

Log Your Meals Ahead of Time

With a holiday coming up that is literally built around food it’s hard to stay on track - hello, Grandma’s famous mashed potatoes, but here’s your reminder that a handful of days in November and December doesn’t have to lead to a “New Year, New Me” situation. The best offense is a good defense - so set yourself up for success! We suggest planning your meals during the days leading up to the holiday and picking right back up the next day. Extra credit if you have the time to meal prep for the week! This will not only make you feel successful, but it will also keep your body feeling good. If you’re fueling your body consistently with good food, a meal or two isn’t going to make you feel lousy. Now a week straight of indulging? That’s a different story.

Pro Tip: If you track your macros in apps like MyFitnessPal or MacrosFirst, plug all of your meals around the holiday so all you have to do is check the app and avoid the last-minute urges to reach for those danishes you bought for your Friendsgiving! 

Put Your Workouts on the Calendar

Planning ahead is the key to success in nutrition and fitness. While you’re busy planning your meals out take a few extra minutes to map out the days you plan to work out. Whether that be a fitness class, open mat, or a run around the neighborhood - put it on the calendar! 

Pro Tip: ask your gym owner to turn on the Wodify Calendar Sync feature. Every time you reserve your spot in class, it will automatically add it to your Google, Outlook, or Apple calendar. If it’s on the calendar - it’s happening!

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Set Goals to Work Towards

Now you have your goals of staying healthy and fit throughout the year, but let’s look closer at those goals. What is it that every day inches you closer to success in those areas? Is it having a tidy room that you wake up to every morning that helps you feel calmer? Catching the right amount of Zzzs? Chasing your supplements each morning with a nice glass of ice water? These wellness practices might be on autopilot at this point, but subconsciously set you up for success! Create goals (like 8 hours of sleep), check them off, and celebrate them!

Pro Tip: did you take your supplements every day in the month of November? Grab that $20 Starbucks drink - but go easy on those syrups and sweeteners.


Last-minute dinner plans come up or you burnt the meal you had planned for the night. When things like this happen, the best thing to do is stop, take a breath, realize the bigger picture and keep moving forward. The holidays are meant to be spent with people you love and care about, enjoying the small moments, and celebrating them, and not meant to be stressing over things not going as planned.

So from all of us at Wodify - Happy Holidays and enjoy!

Have any tips or tricks we didn’t list? Post them up on social media and tag us, @wodify

Want to help keep your members on track throughout the holiday season? Check out our Workout Marketplace to get time back into your day so you can focus on helping your members be successful!

Is this the first time you’ve heard about the calendar sync feature? Book a demo today to learn more about all the features have to offer!

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