Your gym’s website is the most visible and valuable tool you have to funnel new leads into your gym. It has to be, because you’re not only competing against other CrossFit gyms in the area, you’re competing against other fitness studios, some with nationwide marketing and advertising budgets and suped-up websites. So, with a limited budget, how can you get the most from your website to attract more visitors and bring in more leads?
There’s a good chance you’re reading this blog on your phone, because you’re a modern professional whose phone is likely within reach at all times (unless you’re in a WOD of course.) The same holds true for your website visitors. They use their phone to find information about everything, including your gym, so you have to meet them where they are. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile use, it might as well be invisible.
This one is pretty obvious. Slow-loading sites get fewer visitors sticking around to absorb their content. Additionally, load speed can negatively affect how high Google ranks your site in its search engine. So be wary - a bargain DIY website may actually cost more money than you realize in lost leads due to poor load times (even if it’s just a by a few seconds).
Every page of your website should include location data to make it easier for search engines to show your website when people are trying to find a fitness business in their area. If your web pages don’t have proper headings with your gym’s location, your competitor’s sites may show up first in search results.
Keep your site content up-to-date and at the top of search results by posting relevant blog articles that readers will find helpful. Class updates, event information, or a shoutout to a member or two are all fair game. Give visitors a reason to keep checking in!
Other reviews from sites like Facebook and Yelp are good too, but research shows Google rates its reviews higher, so get your members to write some! Hopefully your community is strong enough to write them without prompting, but you can entice them with incentives like creative prizes (pick the playlist/priority spot on the rig), merch, or discounts.
There’s an easy way to take care of all of these steps, stress-free. Wodify Sites offers premium features at an affordable price, so you’ll never miss out on another lead again. With a Google performance score of 99 (out of 100) and three professionally-written blogs a month, you can rest assured your site will load fast and appear as high on search results as possible.
Drive more traffic to your gym with Wodify Sites.