5 Things to Do Immediately After a WOD

5 Things to Do Immediately After a WOD

5 Things to Do Immediately After a WOD

A WOD, or "Workout of the Day," is a common type of high-intensity interval training that is used in many fitness programs. If you've just completed a WOD, there are a few important things you should do immediately afterward to help your body recover and prepare for your next workout. In this blog, we'll explore the five things you should do immediately following a WOD.


The first thing you should do after a WOD is to replenish the fluids you've lost during your workout. Dehydration can lead to a variety of negative health effects, including muscle cramps, fatigue, and impaired cognitive function. It's important to drink plenty of water after your WOD to help your body recover and avoid these problems.

Eat a healthy snack

After a WOD, your body needs fuel to repair and rebuild muscle tissue. Eating a healthy snack within 30 minutes of your workout can help your body recover faster and prepare for your next workout. Good options include a protein shake, a handful of nuts, or a small piece of fruit.


Stretching after a WOD can help your muscles relax and reduce soreness. It's essential to stretch gently and slowly, focusing on the muscles you used during your workout. By making stretching a part of your post-WOD routine, you can help your muscles recover faster and prevent future injuries.

Take a cold shower

After a WOD, your muscles may feel sore and inflamed due to intense physical activity. To help reduce this inflammation and soreness, consider taking a cold shower. The cold water can help constrict blood vessels, reducing swelling and inflammation in your muscles. Additionally, cold showers have been shown to help boost recovery time by increasing blood flow and reducing muscle damage.

Plan your next WOD

Finally, it's important to plan your next WOD so that you can continue making progress toward your fitness goals. Take some time to think about what you want to accomplish in your next workout and how you can challenge yourself in new ways. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your fitness journey.

Pro-tip: Wodify scheduling allows gym members to sign up for classes and reserve a spot ahead of time. Members can see the available classes, the number of open spots, and who else has already signed up.

In conclusion, there are five things you should do immediately following a WOD: hydrate, eat a healthy snack, stretch, take a cold shower, and plan your next WOD. By taking care of your body after a workout, you can help it recover faster and prepare for your next challenge.

Have any tips we didn’t list? Post them up on social media and tag us, @wodify so we can spread the word! 

Want to spend more time with your coaches and staff this summer and away from your computer?? Check out our Workout Marketplace to get time back into your day so you can focus on helping your members be successful!

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