Selling personal training sessions, like Crossfit Fundamentals, is a great way to add additional revenue streams to your business and increase revenue outside of group classes, supplements, and apparel. In addition to bringing in new income for your gym, personal training can also stabilize your gym when memberships are flat-lining, or, worse, dropping. When you think about it, there is not a single member
1. Upsell Existing Athletes - We all know them, the athletes who caught the CrossFit bug and can’t get enough. They stay late after class to master new skills, never miss a day, and love getting even just 2 minutes of your coaches’ time during class for tips, cues, etc. Why not take the opportunity to sell them 1-on-1 sessions with their favorite coach to work on the technique, learn new skills
2. Offer Small group training - Sometimes the cost of 1-on-1 personal training may be out of your athletes’ budget so why not give your athletes the opportunity to share the cost through small group training. They benefit from more personalized experience in a small group setting and they get to workout with their friends - Sign me up!
3. Run Specialized Programs - Running specialized 5-week programs targeted at different athlete goals can be a great source of revenue for your gym. For example: In April, you could start a “Beach Body” program focused on muscle toning, leaning out, and looking phenomenal in your bathing suit.
4. Nutrition Sessions - Offering Personal services does not have to be limited to personal training. Diet is a huge piece of seeing results at the gym. Why not offer consulting sessions for your athletes to help them improve their diet. This can be great for athletes complaining they are not getting results but making it into the gym daily or athletes who are looking to take their fitness to the next level. If your gym’s gym management app offers your athletes a nutrition journal you can leverage it to get a pulse on your athletes eating habits and provide regular feedback for your nutrition sessions.
5. Skill Sessions - Offering performance tracking to your athletes has its benefits. Use the data you are tracking to convince members how adding personal training in addition to group classes can benefit them. For example: if you see your athletes snatch numbers have not gone up in 6 months it might be the right opportunity to sell you athlete skills sessions to tweak their snatch form and improve their performance. Another obvious example is providing private on-ramp session for athletes like me who are timid to learn in the class setting and like the 1 on 1 attention to learn the skills even faster.
Wodify is a must have tool for your gym. It not only helps you run a successful business but your athletes actually enjoy using it. Wodify can easily manage your personal services including scheduling, membership tracking, and payment processing. Athletes can track their progress at the gym and athletes can keep track of their diet from anywhere. Learn more.