Adding Performance for PT Clients

Now that Wodify has made it easier than ever to set up personal training sessions with the Appointments feature, you may be wondering what is the best way to track performance for your PT clients.

While there isn’t a direct functionality that includes performance tracking with Appointment sessions (It's on the way!), there is a pretty simple way to add performance to your PT client’s profile directly from the Coachboard.

Scenario: My PT Client, Dave is coming in today for a 1:1 session. The programming for the session is customized to his goals, and is as follows:

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Kristen 07/06/2017

  1. 1 Mile Run For Time
  2. 3 Rounds For Time5 Hang Snatch10 Overhead Squats15 Bar Facing Burpees

Before the session starts, I will go in and build out and unscored performance for the mile run and the custom metcon so that I can have him enter his score once it is complete.

  • Click Athlete Performance
  • Click Add Performance
  • Select the client’s name from the drop down

Now, I will save an performance for Part A: 1 Mile Run For time (do not score yet)

  • Select Metcon for ‘Type’
  • Select 1 Mile Run for ‘Component’
  • Click ADD

Since I am setting this up before the session so that David can enter his score after the session, I will leave the score empty and just click ‘Save’ to store it in his performance card.

Now, to add Part B, the Custom Metcon.

  • Click Add Performance
  • Select Metcon for ‘Type’
  • Select Non-Benchmark Metcon for ‘Component’
  • Enter the description of the Custom Metcon
  • Select the measure
  • Click Save
  • Click ADD

Again, since we are just creating this to be scored at the end of the session, just click ‘Save’ without recording a score.

Now that I have the workout of the day for my client stored in their performance history, I can conduct my 1:1 Personal Training Session.

Once the session is complete, I can have my client go to his performance history to enter his scores for today’s workouts.

  • Click Athlete Performance
  • Click Metcons

Here you will see both components that we just saved to their profile, ready to be scored.

Click into one at a time to enter the score and save it to the client’s performance history!

While we are working on a functionality that allows for easier performance tracking with Personalized programs, the method described in this article is the best way to track your clients performance and keep them engaged and motivated in the meantime!

If you’d like some further guidance in this practice, please reach out to!

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