All About Wrestling

All About Wrestling

All About Wrestling

The History of Wrestling

According to United World Wrestling, the first trace of Wrestling appeared almost 5,000 years ago through drawings that were discovered in tombs over in Egypt. Once wrestling made its way to Greece, it was looked at as an art. The sport was for men only, they were completely nude and covered in olive oil to protect their skin from outdoor elements. This sport was quickly picked up for the Olympic Games and continued to be a staple each season.

In 1830, Wrestling became a professional sport which quickly gained traction in other European countries and was known as “Greco-Roman Wrestling”. Fast forward to 2004, when females were finally recognized as athletes in the Athens Olympics.

As with everything else in 2020, Wrestling came to a screeching halt. We are now seeing more youth, collegiate, and professional level athletes coming back together to grapple on the mat again.

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Fundamental Movements of Wrestling

According to Coach Up Nation, there are four basic moves that need to be mastered when you start off your wrestling career. Here they are with some basic pointers on how to tackle the move.

  1. Single Leg Takedown: observe your opponent’s stance, get the leg closest to you, & stay low.
  2. Double-Leg Takedown: grab both legs, lock your hands together, & either drive forward with your shoulders, or lift up and slam down.
  3. Ankle Pick: one hand goes behind your opponents neck, wait for them to take a step, & grab that ankle with your free hand and pull down on their neck.
  4. Half-Nelson: one arm goes under your opponent’s armpit & around the back of their neck & use your free hand to hold their other hand in place to limit their use & range of movement.

Upcoming Wrestling Events

Here are some events in the upcoming months that you can catch to further your knowledge on the sport of wrestling:

March 26th - ROH 19th Anniversary - UMBC Event Center - Baltimore, Maryland

April 24th - Impact Rebellion - Nashville, Tennessee

Make sure to tag us on social media in your selfie at the next Wrestling event that you attend!

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