Bulk class cancellations

In the fitness world, it’s crucially important to take a step away and spend some much needed time with friends, family, and other loved ones. While it can be hard to shut down operations for the day, time away to relax and remember our roots will benefit our business and athletes in the long run. To close down shop and cancel classes for any holiday, there are a few steps that the business owner needs to take: cancel any meal deliveries, notify coaches of the closure, generate payroll and cut checks for bank holidays, and cancel classes. Cancelling classes will ensure that no potential out-of-town visitors attempt to drop-in and no diehard WODers show up pre-turkey to sweat it out.

Our NEW bulk class cancellation feature makes updating your class schedule even easier for the Holidays.  With just a couple clicks, your calendar is cleaned up and ready to go so you can start celebrating! Take a peek at our video for a step-by-step guide on how to get started using this feature today.

Ameet Shah

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