Creating smiles as wide as the ocean

Creating smiles as wide as the ocean | Moinho da Juventude

Creating smiles as wide as the ocean

The Wodify Portugal office, together with Moinho da Juventude, brought 40 children from low income families to lunch at a fun-filled park, complete with Halloween decorations, trampoline, inflatable castle, and ball pit.

Following lunch, the kids were treated to a tour of the Lisbon Oceanarium, where they got a chance to see exotic sea creatures up close. This event was an example of Wodify working to honor one of its company values: Serve with a Caring Heart.

“Friday was an amazing day. As soon as the kids arrived, there was an instant burst of happiness, and through play and fun, we made strong connections. We experienced the true joy of sharing the rest of the afternoon with our new friends. Amazing kids. <3"
- Luís Oliveira e Silva , UI Designer

Moinho da Juventude is an association that aims to support children and young people in need through educational, cultural, and professional programs.

“Being part of the experience and seeing the enthusiasm and joy on the children’s faces was priceless.”
- Paulo Miranda, Front-end Developer

The Wodify team loved spending time with the children that afternoon and experiencing their happiness.

“While workers at other companies were busy at their desks, we were busy chasing kids around an aquarium. Thousands of calories were lost, but many more hearts were won!”
- Andreia Domingues, Product Owner

That’s why we make a commitment to volunteer 1% of our time, provide 1% of our services, and donate 1% of our profits to worthwhile charities and programs in our community. If you know of a project, cause, or charity that deserves our attention, please let us know!

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