Ten years from now, if you walk into any Jiu-Jitsu academy in the world, you will see students watching techniques on screens as they practice and instructors providing personalized feedback while recording notes & videos for their students.
Want to be one of the first to do this? We’re calling all innovative and tech-hungry Jiu-Jitsu business owners! You can implement this experience today and revolutionize your student experience by joining Wodify’s Early Adopter Program.
At Wodify, we are no strangers to transforming fitness businesses with technology. Starting in 2012, , we began working with a select group of innovative CrossFit gyms to implement the first version of digital performance tracking. Today, digital performance tracking has become the standard for thousands of gyms around the world and an expected part of the member experience at CrossFit & functional fitness gyms.
We are applying the same lessons we learned in CrossFit to to Jiu-Jitsu in order to bring effective technology to owners & instructors and improve retention, class consistency, and the entire student experience.
While Jiu-Jitsu has surged in popularity over the past few years, there exist a number of problems for students that, in turn, create problems for school owners. Wodify solves those problems and provides a seamless platform to manage your entire business.
What if you could implement technology that would solve these problems, provide a unique experience to your students, and be one of the first to lead the way in the future of Jiu-Jitsu? Enter: the Wodify Jiu-Jitsu Early Adopter Program.
So what does the Wodify Digital Student Experience actually look like in Jiu-Jitsu? Check out the short video below that shows exactly how the digital student experience helps students better prepare for class, feel more confident during class, and promotes better learning after class.
Here is how the Digital Student Experience helped the Jiu-Jitsu Company in Phildelphia get to a 90% retention rate and hit an all-time high in number of students.
The early feedback we have received from students, instructors, and owners has been overwhelmingly positive and we are excited to open up this program to more Jiu-Jitsu schools.
Wodify is currently partnering with Early Adopter Jiu-Jitsu business owners who want to be among the first to bring this Digital Student Experience to their community.
We are seeking early adopters to use our cutting-edge technology platform, but we're not looking for just anyone. We want partners who are willing to take a small risk, invest in the future, and provide ongoing feedback to help shape the Jiu-Jitsu experience of tomorrow.
As an active Wodify partner, you'll be among the first to benefit from the transformative power of our platform, and your insights will play a key role in shaping its development. Together, we can revolutionize the Jiu-Jitsu industry and take your gym to new heights.
Source: Crossing The Chasm, Geoffrey A. Moore
This program is not for everyone. However, if you’re ready to invest in your business and embrace technology to improve your business and your students’ experience, we’re ready to partner with you.
Ready to go? Talk to our team today.