Five WODs to get you through the holidays

The holidays are coming much faster than any of us expected. And if you’re not careful, this season’s calorie-rich foods and demanding travel plans can interrupt your gym routine.

Luckily, with some planning and dedication, you can fight the battle of the bulge before it begins. Here are five of our favorite holiday WODs for staying fit and healthy this holiday season!

1. Clean and jerk

You can clean and jerk just about anything. Even if you’re travelling to an area that doesn’t have a CrossFit box, you should be able to find something to lift! This could be a heavy log, a heavy tire or even your suitcase.

2. Burpees + swimming + burpees

Swimming isn’t part of a typical CrossFit workout. But if you’re staying at a hotel with a pool, swimming some laps can work every muscle in your body. Find a dry spot to warm up and cool down with some burpees and you could get quite the workout in!

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3. Grab a workout buddy for partner WODs

Working out with a friend keeps you motivated and accountable. So find a buddy and do some partner fireman carries, squats or burpees over your partner. You could even do an AMRAP with your buddy to see who can get the most pushups or situps.

There’s nothing better than working out with a few friends, so go ahead and get creative!

4. Holiday bodyweight WODs

You don’t need kettlebells or barbells to get a holiday workout in. Bodyweight WODs like pushups, situps and burpees can get your blood pumping without equipment.

At Wodify, one of our favorite bodyweight sequences is six rounds of five pushups, five squats and five situps. Another great WOD for burning off that holiday turkey is seven rounds of seven squats and seven burpees. The combinations you can come up with are only limited to your imagination!

5. Join a holiday-themed CrossFit competition

Maybe the most fun way to enjoy holiday CrossFit WODs is to join one or more holiday-themed CrossFit competitions. Many of these events raise money to get gifts for underprivileged children, which really should help you get into the spirit of giving.

Wodapalooza has some great online competitions to keep you active no matter where you are. And if you’re interested in running your own CrossFit competition, software like Wodify Arena can help you get started. Either way, competition can keep you motivated to workout this holiday season, so don’t be afraid to join in on the action at an event in your area.

Stay on track with your workout goals this holiday season!

Whatever you do during this season, there is no reason you can’t fit in a WOD. Doing these five workouts can keep you in peak CrossFit shape during a time when it’s easy to lose a step.

Thanks for reading this post! For more workout ideas, check out our blog.

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