Getting prospective athletes into your box has never been easier

Picture this: A prospective athlete is surfing your website or driving past your box. They’re not sure about signing up for a class — they’ve never done it before and they want a little bit more information before taking the leap. How do they get what they’re looking for quickly and easily?

Starting today, athletes can send your box’s specific keyword to ‘CROSS’ (27677) to get more information about your box. The best part? You’ll receive a new lead in Wodify every time a prospect uses this texting feature, making it even easier for you to follow up and encourage that lead to check out a class.

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This feature is currently only available in the United States and is completely free for box owners to use for leads. Check out this video that shows off exactly how this feature could benefit you and your box.

You can include your box’s specific keyword on your website, social media pages, flyers, promotional materials, and anywhere else you can reach athletes. Get started today by setting this feature up in the Leads tab in Wodify, and use these resources to help:

We’ve released a few other new features, which we’ll be highlighting in the next few days. Stay tuned!

Ready to put what you’ve learned into practice?
Download a free PDF handbook with many of NCFIT’s gym management procedures and philosophies that you can implement in your gym today.
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