Our Wodify Guest Blog Series is part of our growing initiative to open our doors to the fitness community around the world that uses Wodify, so they may share their experience, news, and advice.
Guest author Kayla Victor is a Coach at CrossFit Maximum Dosage in Aiken, SC, as well as its Marketing Manager and Event Coordinator. Additionally, she enjoys participating in Olympic Weightlifting competitions.
Every year, thousands of CrossFit competitions are held around the globe. Each is unique, but what separates them even more is the participation of great sponsors.
As many gym owners come to find out, finding these sponsors is extremely challenging, especially with the rise of large regional competitions like Wodapalooza, Asbury Park Summer Games, Freedom Games, and many more. Big name companies like Lululemon, Rogue Fitness, Reebok, My Power Dot, etc. would rather allocate money towards sponsoring bigger competitions and acquiring social media influencers than supporting local CrossFit competitions. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible!
First off, I recommend that all event coordinators reach out to potential sponsors as early as possible, at least 3-5 months ahead of time. Additionally, I always suggest contacting local businesses in your area that match well with your participants’ interests: coffee shops, massage therapists, physical therapy offices, etc. These companies are often enthusiastic about participating because it provides them with an opportunity to reach a wider audience. Also, supporting local businesses will increase your local economy, which is always a plus!
When it’s time to contact the sponsors you have your eyes on, communication and confidence are key. I recommend establishing different levels based on the donation amount, and clearly outlining the mutual benefits of each. For example: a Gold Level Sponsorship might mean $300 worth of goods, services, and/or cash provided by the sponsor in return for being featured on social media pages, the competition’s website, and a vendor booth to meet and greet athletes and spectators. Regardless of the benefits, nothing can make you lose a sponsor quicker than if you agree to something and don’t keep your promise. As the Event Coordinator, you must make sure to deliver on your agreement.
All in all, the key to finding excellent sponsors depends on your ability to plan ahead, outline the benefits, and portray confidence in your pitch. Finally, if you need assistance in planning your next event, I highly recommend using Wodify’s Competition Checklist! It’s an excellent resource if you’re new to planning a local competition or if you think you need to refine your strategy.
Thanks for reading, I hope you’ve enjoyed this piece on attracting sponsors, and I wish you the best of luck on your upcoming event! For questions or inquiries, feel free to email me at kaay.victor@gmail.com.