How to Reduce Client Churn

How to Reduce Client Churn

How to Reduce Client Churn

Are you tired of losing clients? Churn rate is a common issue for fitness businesses, especially with so many options to choose from. We put together a couple of simple strategies for you to employ to help reduce your client churn: 


Clients are more likely to stick around when they see progress in their fitness journey. Clients will be more motivated, and therefore, remain a client of your gym or studio if you enable them to set goals, track their progress, and celebrate their achievements. You can do this all with Wodify Perform and by employing this strategy, you’re showing your clients that you care about their success.

Retention AI

With AI on the rise, it’s time you start getting your fitness business on board and start using tools that help you predict client churn, such as Wodify Retain. Retain is a tool that predicts which clients will soon leave your business based on the last time they visited your facility. This enables you to get personalized with your clients and reach out to clients likely to leave, encouraging them to come back.

Class Scheduling

If scheduling is too much of a hassle for clients, it can result in client churn. With Wodify clients, can easily sign up for classes and receive reminders about upcoming sessions. This level of convenience reduces the likelihood of clients missing classes and ultimately dropping out.

Feedback and Surveys

Keeping clients happy requires understanding their needs. Feedback surveys allow you to gather valuable information about client preferences and satisfaction. Use this feedback to make improvements and show clients that their opinions matter.

By implementing these features, you can reduce client churn and increase retention rates. Book a demo to learn more about Wodify’s Customer Retention Platform and how it can reduce client churn.

Ready to put what you’ve learned into practice?
Download a free PDF handbook with many of NCFIT’s gym management procedures and philosophies that you can implement in your gym today.
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