"Something as simple as designing a gender-free athlete experience goes a long way to remove barriers and help transgender and gender non-conforming people feel more accepted and increases their chances for success. We applaud Wodify for taking this step, and hope more companies will follow suit to make fitness more inclusive for all."
- Will Lanier, Executive Director of The OUT Foundation.
(The OUT Foundation’s mission is to remove the barriers that block LGBTQ+ individuals' access and participation in health, wellness, and fitness).
Two of our Core Values at Wodify are to "Be Authentic" and to "Do The Right Thing". We’re excited to announce a product update that we feel embodies those two values - the gender-free athlete experience.
Gym managers who use Wodify will now have the flexibility to choose whether they would like to add an option for their athletes who prefer not to specify a binary gender (male/female).
Once enabled, members will not be required to select a male/female gender on their Wodify profile. This creates a better experience for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals at your gym.
In addition, the Wodify leaderboard, coachboard, and whiteboard (a key part of the daily lives of athletes at gyms that use Wodify) now have display options to toggle between male/female or non-gendered views. This means that WOD results and workout class sign-ins won’t be required to filter into one gender category or the other, creating a more inclusive experience for the athlete.
All together, this provides owners and athletes with increased flexibility and the opportunity to feel more comfortable in their fitness community.
A special thanks to the The OUT Foundation, the parent organization of OUTWOD, who provided help and guidance on how we could design this gender-free athlete experience.