Introducing Segments & Conversations

Every athlete is remarkable, your conversations with them should be too! Segments and Conversations allows you to create customized groups of people that can be used as part of a thoughtful and targeted communication plan with Wodify email.


Wodify Segments

Wodify Segments feature allows you to create custom email lists, based on athletes and leads status, demographic and more, to ensure that every email you send is tailored specifically to your target audience. Need to send an email to all your active teams in the gym, introducing a new programme? You can do that. Want to send an email to all your coaches notifying them of a schedule change? You can do that too. Check the video below to know more.


Start creating Segments and having Conversations with your Athletes by going to People > Segments and Communications > Conversations. You can also check out our help articles here.

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Wodify Conversations

Consistent communication with your athletes and leads is essential and the ability to write and reply to emails on the fly is paramount to staying in touch with the day to day of your business. Wodify Conversations allows you to access one consolidated mailbox, send mass emails to one specific group of athletes, and schedule email drafts to be sent in the future. Click the video below to know how to take the best out of this new feature and communicate even better with your community.


With Wodify Conversations, you can optionally send emails as your gym or yourself. Want a personalized email signature for your emails? Configure your personal staff email signature by going to Communication > Settings > Email Signatures.

Ready to put what you’ve learned into practice?
Download a free PDF handbook with many of NCFIT’s gym management procedures and philosophies that you can implement in your gym today.
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