With the holidays just around the corner, now’s the time to start thinking about the gift you might give to the CrossFit lover in your life. There are tons of gifts you could give your fitness buff and our team at Wodify wanted to share some of our favorites:
In a world where there is at least one magazine for pretty much every niche interest in existence, it should come as no surprise that the CrossFit community has its fair share of publications as well. Subscriptions to magazines like The Box Mag, Sweat Rx Magazine, WOD Talk Magazine, Box Life Magazine, Men’s Fitness, and Muscle & Performance all can make great CrossFit gifts.
There are all kinds of CrossFit supplies that could make excellent holiday gifts, including weightlifting gloves, ab mats, kettlebells and so much more, but one of our favorite CrossFit gift ideas is a new weightlifting belt. Consider purchasing one made from high quality leather that can replace whatever cheap belt they have been using, if they’ve been using one at all.
People who participate in CrossFit regularly also may be contending with sore muscles, which is where a full body massage gift certificate can be as desirable as anything else Santa Claus may put under the tree. Massages are great gifts for anybody, but they are especially excellent for those that regularly participate in rigorous athletic activity.
Of course, a big part of any healthy lifestyle is a good diet, and there are a number of cooking courses out there that can help a person learn how to cook healthier meals for themselves. A gift certificate for a class may be best so the gift receiver can choose what they cook, but it’s an idea many CrossFit lovers are sure to appreciate.
Many people involved in CrossFit will train as hard as they can so they can perform well when competitions roll around. If there is one happening in your area anytime soon, perhaps paying admission to the event for your friend or family member could be a great way to win them over this holiday season.
If all else fails, a gift card to a sporting goods store or Amazon will help a CrossFit athlete find whatever holiday gift they need to make the most of their lives as competitors. It also makes a good stocking stuffer or Secret Santa gift.
Whatever CrossFit gift you may purchase, it’s the thought that counts. There’s a good chance that no matter the CrossFit item you purchase for them, they will appreciate it because it helps them see a little more success in their favorite fitness activities.
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, stay tuned to our blog for more CrossFit news!