The Wodify Guest Blog Series is part of our initiative to open our doors to the Wodify fitness community around the world, so they may share their experience, news, and advice.
We work hard to provide our customers with the best tools to help them run their fitness businesses, but when it comes to business advice, sometimes it makes sense to go right to the source.
We asked members of the Wodify community to tell us the best piece of business advice they received prior to opening their gym, and they were adamant about sharing their thoughts. Wodify customers are nothing if not vocal!
“Always continue to learn, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.”
— Randy Lauer, 3-46 GRIT CrossFit
Many gym owners think they know everything, and quickly realize that running a business is a lot more than just training clients and coaching classes. A little humility will save you time and money down the road.
“You don’t know what you don’t know, but a wise business mentor can help you see what you can’t!”
— Mike Rodriguez, CrossFit Montavilla
Investing in your own education and learning from people who’ve already been where you are is worth its weight in gold.
“Be prepared to spend long hours at work as an entrepreneur.”
— Bryan White, CrossFit Fulshear
To that end, hard work is an education unto itself.
“Write out your mission, vision, and values ahead of time. They’ll help you make decisions when things get crazy.”
— Kara Silva, CrossFit Pushin Weight
You got into this business for a reason, and your talent and ability to help people make positive changes to their lives is what sets you apart.
“Stay true to your passion.”
— Carol Solo, Battle Axe CrossFit
“Don’t be afraid to say no! Trying to please everyone is the road to failure.”
— Emma Tudge, CrossFit Evolving
If you know what you want, stick with it, at the risk of losing a few members. Trying to be all things to all people creates a confusing message, and you’ll wind up losing even more in the long run.
For Adriano Teles of Kamon CrossFit and Jason Clarke of Sale CrossFit, focusing on engagement and building a solid community of positive, supportive athletes is the key to a successful business.
“If someone leaves, don’t take it personally.”
— Mary Retzlaff, CrossFit Murfreesboro
Your gym may not be for everyone, but you’ll lose out on word of mouth clients or even those who decide to return later if you burn bridges every time someone decides to cancel their membership.
“Start small and outgrow your space.”
— Tanner Allen, Journey Training
For many athletes, their box is their sanctuary. Starting out too big may turn off potential members who are looking for quality coaching in a safe, inclusive environment. You’ll know when it’s time to move to a bigger space.
Hopefully these suggestions from fellow gym owners are helpful! Have you received advice that’s moved your business forward? Let us know on social media by tagging @wodify!
If you’re not already using Wodify to run your gym, get in touch with us to learn how we can help you achieve your goals!