The Digital Student Experience that is Revolutionizing Jiu-Jitsu

The Digital Student Experience that is Revolutionizing Jiu-Jitsu

The Digital Student Experience that is Revolutionizing Jiu-Jitsu

Over the past year, we have brought the future of Jiu-Jitsu to top academies around the country. We have gotten many questions asking exactly how we are doing this and now we are ready to share…introducing: The Wodify Digital Student Experience.  

The Digital Student Experience offers a comprehensive platform that allows students to prepare for class, stay engaged during class, and continue their training after class. Watch this short video to see exactly what this experience can do for your studio.

Before class

Students come to class more prepared to learn by having access to their class agenda and instructional videos through the Wodify Mobile App.

During class

Students gain an enhanced understanding of concepts during class. Throughout the studio, TVs are set up to loop instructional videos via Wodify’s Kiosk+

These videos reinforce the techniques being taught by the instructor, providing students with a visual reminder of what they're learning. This is necessary in classes where the instructor is greatly outnumbered by students, and cannot walk around reminding every student of the technique.

As this instructor at Gracie Barra says: “If you forget [the technique], look up at the screen and not at everyone else who is doing it wrong.”

After class

Students can go back and study what they've learned to ensure they're fully grasping the techniques and making progress in their training.
The Wodify Mobile App can be used to take reflection notes and upload training videos students take in class. 

How to Get the Digital Student Experience

One of the biggest advantages of the Wodify Digital Student Experience is that it provides a consistent curriculum to students. Instead of spending hours looking for random free videos online, students have access to a comprehensive library of instructional videos that are curated by their instructor. This ensures that all students are learning the same techniques and progressing at the same pace.

Wodify’s Digital Student Experience is a transformative tool for Jiu-Jitsu studios who want to take their training to the next level. By providing access to instructional videos before and after class, and reinforcing those techniques through looping videos during class, students can get the most out of their training and see real progress in their skills. 

Get in touch with us today for a walkthrough of Wodify and to bring the Digital Student Experience to your studio. 

Hear what Angie Vogel, owner of The Jiu Jitsu Company, has to say about it!

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