A Discussion on the Future of Fitness and Technology

The Future of Fitness and Technology From Wodify Founder & CEO, Ameet Shah (feat. Jason Khalipa)

A Discussion on the Future of Fitness and Technology

We love to share some of our favorite podcasts and while we have recommended some great podcasts in the past for business owners, we are now excited to share a podcast with you that features our very own Founder & CEO, Ameet Shah. 

Have you ever wondered how or why Wodify was founded? Maybe you find yourself thinking, what does the future hold for the fitness industry? Or thinking, what does the future hold for Wodify? Ameet recently sat down with Jason Khalipa of NCFIT, on his podcast Effort Over Everything to discuss all things fitness, technology, and of course, Wodify. Jason and Ameet discuss the origin story of Wodify, lessons learned building multiple businesses, and what the future holds for the fitness space and the technology that drives it.

The Effort Over Everything podcast gets real about the fitness industry. Jason loves to discuss topics in all aspects of Effort including: fitness, business, coaching, training, competing, the AMRAP mentality, mindset, and everything in between, but this time he dives in deep to what the future of Wodify looks like as a platform and not just a software for business owners. 

Go ahead a take a listen, we promise you there is lots to learn in this 1-hour podcast. Listen to ‘WTF! Wodify, Technology, and Fitness w/ Ameet Shah and Jason Khalipa’ now on Spotify or Apple Music. For those of you interested in checking out their one-on-one conversation, you can visit the NCFIT YouTube.

Did we mention our CEO, shares some secrets to building a company culture that is unmatched? If you would like to jump around to hear some of our favorite moments in the podcast, we went ahead a broke it down for you. 

Whether you are a business owner, instructor, coach, student or athlete we hope you can walk away with some valuable lessons learned. ‍If you do take a listen to the podcast, let us know your thoughts and be sure to tag us, @Wodify, so we can share your feedback!

Ready to start growing your fitness business? Give our team a call to learn more about how Wodify can help and get a free business consultation. Book your call here.

Ready to put what you’ve learned into practice?
Download a free PDF handbook with many of NCFIT’s gym management procedures and philosophies that you can implement in your gym today.
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