There’s no question that the world is functioning on a different wave since the pandemic started in March of 2020. However, the still common question from gym owners, which we hear often is, “How do I adjust the environment that my members are used to, so they feel comfortable, and safe enough, to return to crushing some workouts or sparring”?
We have curated a list of tips for your business to implement, and it is not just about masking up your members. Always remember, the key to a safe and comfortable environment starts with respect and an open dialogue.
This one is for the spaces where there are multiple doorways. Once a class ends, generally speaking, everyone gravitates to the same area, and leaves out the same door they entered through. Consider marking one door as an ENTRANCE ONLY and one door as an EXIT ONLY. This will limit the amount of people that congregate in one area and allow everyone to stay at a distance that is comfortable for each individual. You can also suggest that your members only bring into the gym what they need for class. This would eliminate the time spent lingering after class. On the flip side, make it clear that if people feel comfortable spending time hanging out after class they can, and you can keep the community going! At the end of the day, you need to walk the fine line of facilitating an environment where people feel safe, but also welcomed.
Wodify is the way to go when it comes to performance tracking, through Wodify Perform, but there also is a little space for members to leave notes. In the past, members have utilized these comment boxes to record their feelings, percentage of body weight they lifted, or even to trash talk fellow members! Post-pandemic, gym owners have decided to use this space for their members to record their temperature data.
Temperatures should be taken at the door and can easily be done manually by a coach using a handheld thermometer, like this one, that can be found on Amazon. If you have a gym where back-to-back classes are run, and the Coach in charge doesn’t have time to finish up a class and take temperatures, we suggest a wall-mounted infrared thermometer which also has alarms and indicator lights.
At the height of the pandemic, fitness business owners were doing anything and everything they could to get their members back through the door and follow the rules and regulations. This included mapping out the floor with tape that kept members at a safe distance while working out. If this wasn’t conducive for your members, or your space, you can always keep a couple marked out spots for certain members to use. Keep these markings close to doorways or areas that have a fresh flow of air.
Sanitizing stations at the entrance doors is a great way to make your members feel comfortable, but it also sets the tone for your business. This shows your members you are taking active steps to keep your gym safe and keep germs at bay. We also suggest having a few of these around the gym as well in places such as the bathrooms, exits, or near equipment. Sanitizing stations can include, but are not limited to, hand sanitizer dispensers, sanitizing wipes, ample soap at sinks, spray bottles with cleaning products, and paper towels.
If you have the square footage, we suggest keeping equipment spread out throughout the facility. This can easily be done in an organized fashion and doesn’t have to look like a mess. This can simply be done by separating your equipment equally in half and having some at one end of the gym and some at the other. If you don’t have that luxury of square footage, you can limit the number of people at a time that are grabbing, for example, bars or boxes. Have half the class go and grab their bars, while the other half grab their box, and then switch once they have the equipment they need in their area.
At this point, we’ve been running our businesses in a pandemic for well over a year. As a business owner, you should have a grasp on what size class is comfortable for not only the amount of equipment you have, but also for the comfort of your members and your staff. With Wodify Core, you can limit the class sizes and also have a waitlist for members that are looking to get into a time slot with last minute cancellations. If you’re looking to utilize this feature, but unsure how to do so, check out the step-by-step guide on our FAQ page. If you still have some unanswered questions, feel free to book a demo with one of our customer success agents.
Don’t let the winter air creeping in scare you away from cracking the doors. You might not be able to keep the entryways wide open or the garage doors jacked all the way up, but you can still crack them. Some gyms leave them closed at the start of the class and crack them open as class progresses on. And hey, it’s just another incentive for your members have to push themselves in the warm-up portion of class - actually warm those bodies up!
As the owner of the gym or studio, you have a right to set the tone for your business. This includes putting protocols in place and making it known to your members. Sending mass emails is a great way to put this information out in one fell sweep. You can also post them throughout the gym, and gently remind your members through weekly or monthly newsletters.
Regardless of your stance on the climate of our world, as a fitness business owner, your end goal is to keep your members safe, happy, and comfortable. The choice is yours to mandate these protocols or leave them open-ended.
These are just a few simple strategies to implement if you are eager to get more clients back into your facility. If you implement a new approach or have more ideas make sure to tag us, @Wodify, so we can help spread the word!
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