Tips to Increase Memberships and Avoid the New Years Resolution Decline

Tips to Increase Memberships and Avoid the New Years Resolution Decline

Tips to Increase Memberships and Avoid the New Years Resolution Decline

We are all too familiar with the “New Year, New Me” tagline that most people follow. We love to see more people getting excited about their health and fitness journey and in turn, our membership sales increasing. Unfortunately, gym owners are also all too familiar with the decline of new sales that hit after the New Year excitement wears off.

For that reason, we have created a list of 3 tips to get more members in the door and signed up.

Identify what sets you apart

If you haven’t done so already, you should nail down what sets you apart from the competition. Do you have a staff full of former athletes? Are your coaches decorated with a plethora of certifications and specializations that you can’t find anywhere else? What about a state of the art facility that sets you apart? Now is the time to boast about your gym, the atmosphere, and your coaching staff. Create a marketing plan that is going to drive those points onto everyone’s phone every time they scroll through social media. For marketing ideas, check out the NCFIT Build Better Series on Sales & Digital Marketing.

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Continue specials

Just because the New Year is a thing of the past, doesn’t mean that your specials have to be. Sit down with a calendar and plan out which months you could hold a special. For example, a discount in February for a couple membership, or a summer special for college students. Make sure to coordinate the promotions with your finances and choose your specials wisely. You can check out our library of monthly specials and promotions to build a campaign. 

Make sign-ups easy

Nowadays, most shopping is done online, which means your membership sales should be purchased just as easily. Make sure you have a gym management software that allows your potential new customers to check out your website and sign-up from an online sales portal. Wodify Sites can help drive membership sales by seamlessly converting them into leads. Wodify Core also enables you to utilize the online sales portal so help drive purchases and convert them into leads and/or members.

Want more information on how Wodify can help increase the sales for your business? Book a demo today!

Ready to put what you’ve learned into practice?
Download a free PDF handbook with many of NCFIT’s gym management procedures and philosophies that you can implement in your gym today.
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