Many people turn to CrossFit to enhance not just their strength and endurance, but also their cardiovascular conditioning. Luckily, participating in this intense fitness regimen provides countless opportunities to slim down, de-stress and improve heart health.
Looking to add cardio to your exercise routine? These five pulse-pumping CrossFit workouts will get your heart rate up.
Race-the-clock is a CrossFit WOD that pushes athletes to complete a round of exercises as quickly as they can. It involves setting a 15-minute timer and then completing five exercises within that time frame:
If you can’t complete them all in 15 minutes at first, don’t worry! Write down your time, track your progress and set a goal for improvement.
You’ll need to set a baseline for rowing workouts if you’re new to CrossFit. One or two kilometers is a great starting point, and before you know it, you’ll be able to row faster and farther. Just remember to pull with your legs and tighten your core to protect your back from CrossFit injuries.
Set your timer to see how quickly you can complete eight rounds of the following exercises:
Once you’re finished, record your time and set a goal to improve with practice. Your heart will be thumping, but in the long run, your cardiovascular health will thank you.
During an EMOM, you’ll perform a series of three to five exercises within a one-minute period before switching to a second set of exercises. You have one minute to complete your reps. If you finish early, use the rest of the time to recover. Here’s one of our favorites:
Prepare to get your heart thumping. This EMOM is extra spicy, and by the time you’re finished, you’ll have completed 10 rounds of each exercise.
The idea behind an AMRAP is to complete as many rounds of two or three exercises as you can over a 20-minute period. We suggest a 200-meter sprint, eight barbell thrusters and 10 toes-to-bar, but you could replace those with other workouts if you needed to. Rest when necessary, but keep track of how many rounds you complete to improve for next time.
Each of these CrossFit workouts will get your heart beating. Complete them a few times per week and you’ll be on your way to improving your cardiovascular health!
Looking for a way to monitor your heart rate training against your friends and other gym members? Ask your box to invest in Wodify Pulse. It combines technology with group motivation to help all users challenge themselves.
Need more moves? Read The Top 10 Martial Arts Programs to Include in Your Exercise Routine