We’ve been looking for the best CrossFit boxes around Mile High City. While each gym is unique, these boxes in Denver have awesome coaches, dedicated athletes and tightknit communities that set them apart. Keep reading to find out what they had to say for themselves online!
Denver, CO
“We train you to be mentally and physically capable to live a life of active existence. We forge adventure athletes.”
1950 South Quebec Street, Denver, CO 80231
p: (720) 440 2203
f: https://www.facebook.com/axistenceathletics
Denver, CO
“Certified coaches leading anybody and everybody through the workout of the day! Constantly changing so you never get bored, all you get is addicted. We make our community healthier, stronger and better, one person at a time!"
2134 Curtis Street, Denver CO
p:(720) 242 6227
f: https://www.facebook.com/crossfit720
t: @Crossfit720
Denver, CO
“CrossFit Broadway delivers the CrossFit program exactly as intended. By design, it’s constantly varied functional movements performed at a high intensity. Our specialty is not specializing and our goal is constant progress. The community is welcoming, and is one of support and camaraderie to anyone seeking maximum health and fitness.”
227 Broadway Denver, Colorado, CO 80203
p:(720) 255 5391
f: https://www.facebook.com/crossfitbroadway
t: @CF_Broadway
Denver, CO
“We offer group, semi-private and private training for athletes of any level. Between our group classes, Olympic Weightlifting classes and endurance-specific programming, there is something for everybody.”
2422 South Trenton Way, Denver, CO 80231
f: https://www.facebook.com/cfcherrycreek
Denver, CO
“Our goal is simple — develop you to your fullest athletic potential. We believe strongly that by improving your health and fitness, all other aspects of your life improve. Whether your goal is to improve body composition and strength, run a 5k, do a triathlon or qualify for the CrossFit Games, we are here to guide you on your journey. We've been there.”
3730 Federal Boulevard, Denver, CO 80211
p: (720) 598 1232
f: https://www.facebook.com/crossfitcuspis
t: @CFCuspis
Denver, CO
“CrossFit DeCO is downtown Denver’s premier fitness and lifestyle health club with an all-inclusive approach to wellness — including CrossFit, personal training, nutrition, massage and chiropractic services — all in one convenient location.”
923 West 9th Avenue, Denver, CO 80204
p: (720) 440 2332
f: https://www.facebook.com/crossfitdeco
Denver, CO
“We are the very first CrossFit affiliate in Colorado. We opened in 2005. Personal training, small group and corporate wellness — that is what we do! Come check out our new gym. It’s clean, carpeted, cozy and well-equipped. If you want to learn about CrossFit, please give us a shout.”
Crossfit Denver 1380 S Sante Fe Dr. Denver, CO 80223
p: (303) 482 2420
Denver, CO
“At CrossFit Elevation, our mission is to bring together a community of individuals who share a common desire to achieve and maintain an adventurous, healthy lifestyle. To wring every drop of adventure out of life through dedication, sweat, perseverance and fun.”
837 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, CO 80204
p: (303) 893 0262
f: https://www.facebook.com/crossfitelevation
t: @cfelevation
Denver CO
“We are a CrossFit gym in the Sloan's Lake/Highlands area of northwest Denver. Jai — pronounced like the name Jay — is a Sanskrit word that means Victory. TJ Binkley is the owner and head trainer. We strive to create an open and welcoming environment where people of all levels feel comfortable. Come give us a try! Get in touch with us and let us know when you are coming.”
1921 Federal Boulevard, Denver, CO 80204
p: (720) 235 8547
f: https://www.facebook.com/crossfitjai
t: @CrossfitJai
Denver, CO
“In our state-of-the art facility, CrossFit Kali offers a range of classes and training, from CrossFit basics to Olympic lifting, giving all women the opportunity to start, continue or expand their fitness journey. Even if you’re not sure you want to make the trek, our dedicated coaches will help you take the first steps to a healthier, more enjoyable lifestyle.”
7808 Cherry Creek South Drive, 104, Denver , CO 80231
p: (303) 481-8492
f: https://www.facebook.com/crossfitkali
Denver, CO
“CrossFit LoDo was founded in 2010, before the “Gym Boom” that brought dozens of more gyms to the Denver metro area. This is important because we have grown with CrossFit, and have consistently been one of the top gyms in the area, as voted by Men’s Fitness Magazine in 2013. We have a robust community with experienced and knowledgeable coaches.”
601 West 29th Avenue, Denver, CO 80202
p: (970) 573 6277
f: https://www.facebook.com/crossfitlodo
Denver, CO
“We strongly believe in our methodology of ‘Contemplative CrossFit.’ CrossFit and the methodologies we employ in our training can at times be intimidating and/or overwhelming. We are committed to educating our athletes and coaches to fully understand why we do what we do every movement, every workout, every day! An educated CrossFitter is a better CrossFitter!”
901 South Jason Street, C Denver, CO 80223
f: https://www.facebook.com/crossfitomnia
Denver, CO
“CrossFit can be intimidating. Most of it will be uncharted territory for you. You’ve probably even been to group exercise classes somewhere else where you were just a piece of meat being packaged for slaughter. You need personal training time and we provide that in every class at CrossFit Park Hill.”
7200 East Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80220
p: (720) 257 4264
f: https://www.facebook.com/CrossFitParkHill/
t: @CF_ParkHill
Denver CO
“CrossFit South Denver is Denver’s premiere gym. Our programs are designed for Coloradans who are serious about improving their fitness. Whether you would like to lose weight, get stronger, look better or improve your quality of life, we have a plan designed just for you.”
2783 W Hampden Ave, Denver, CO 80110
p: (303) 725-6989
f: https://www.facebook.com/crossfitsouthDenver
Denver, CO
“Our goal at CrossFit Vantage is to be the best part of your day! We aim to build a strong community with strong bodies and minds through CrossFit. Come join the movement. Change your body and change your life!”
4272 Lowell Boulevard, Denver, CO 80211
p: (720) 440 2183
f: https://www.facebook.com/crossfitvantage
Denver, CO
“CrossFit has become a calling to us. We teach skills on how to move the human body and loco-mot self. This is powerful stuff. It will change every quadrant of one’s life. It will make you happier and healthier. Who could ask for a better mission? We think everyone should be crazy about their fitness. You only have one body, treat it well and it will treat you and your family well.”
3545 Larimer Street, Denver, CO 80205
p: (720) 238-7783
f: https://www.facebook.com/CrossFit-Verve-131498516923187
Denver, CO
“CrossFit Wash Park is strength and conditioning community in Denver that combines weightlifting, gymnastic movements and endurance activities into constantly varied, high intensity workouts. We run, jump, squat, push, pull, throw, swing and move heavy objects — basically all the elements of sport that are fun!”
700 West Mississippi Ave Unit C1denver, Co, 80223
p: (505) 980-6198
f: https://www.facebook.com/CrossFit-Wash-Park-286860448059052/
Lone Tree, CO
“FIT Park Meadows delivers the CrossFit program exactly as it is intended. The community is welcoming, and one of support and camaraderie to anyone seeking health and fitness.”
9556 Park Meadows Drive, 400, Lone Tree, CO 80124
p: (720) 383 8372
F: https://www.facebook.com/fitparkmeadows
Denver CO
“Front Range Crossfit (FRCF) was the first, and is one of the largest, dedicated, full-time CrossFit facilities in Denver CO.We are dedicated to your health, fitness and athletic achievement, and we hold ourselves to the highest standards. We would love for you to come and join the FRCF family.”
1338 South Valentia Street, 182, Denver, CO 80247
P: (303) 919 4673
f: https://www.facebook.com/frontrangecrossfit
Aurora CO
“Our classes have a mix of people from experienced CrossFitters, to those who are just starting CrossFit. We have been in business since the beginning of 2013 and our members constantly refer to us as the LCF family. Building strength and fitness through community is what Lowry CrossFit is all about.”
990 Dayton Street, Aurora, CO 80010
p: (303) 803 8537
f: https://www.facebook.com/LowryCrossFit/
Denver CO
“We believe in getting stronger than we were yesterday — in pushing yourself until your tank is empty. We break you down to build you up stronger. That goes for the beginner and the sponsored pro athlete. We believe that sweat and hard work is therapeutic, and that nothing worth having comes easy. This is Mountain Strong. This is training with purpose.”
5280 Broadway, Denver , CO 80216
p: (720) 460 1778
f: https://www.facebook.com/mountainstrongDenver CO
Denver CO
“Per Ignem CrossFit is operated by Phoenix Multisport, a sober active community for individuals who are recovering from substance abuse.“
2233 Champa Street, Denver , CO 80205
p: (303) 506 1516
f: https://www.facebook.com/perignemcrossfit
Denver CO
“Our model is a strength and conditioning program consisting mainly of a mix of aerobic exercise, gymnastics and Olympic weightlifting. We use equipment from multiple disciplines — including barbells, dumbbells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars, jump ropes, kettlebells, medicine balls, plyo boxes, resistance bands and more.”
2115 South Birch Street, Denver, CO 80222
f: https://www.facebook.com/projectrisefitnessDenver CO
t: @Calebsommer
Denver CO
“Our mission at York Street CrossFit is to help you achieve your personal goals for health and fitness in a fun and community-oriented setting, at any age or level of conditioning. Our smaller class sizes help us to keep an eye on the individual needs of our clients while time efficient training programs provide the best possible results in the shortest period of time. We aim to safely build the technical proficiency and movement skills of our clients, gradually increasing complexity and intensity until their goals of strength and conditioning are achieved.”
3758 York Street, Denver, CO 80205
p: (303) 720 6827