Top CrossFit News for the Month of October, 2018

While you’re trying to avoid eating another piece of fun-size Halloween candy, take a look at these notable CrossFit news stories from the past month:

CrossFit's Explosive Growth

Morning Chalk Up featured an interesting and data-rich article about the number of CrossFit affiliates around the world and the continued growth of the industry.

Four New CrossFit-Sanctioned Competitive Events Announced

As the CrossFit competition landscape continues to take shape in the wake of several changes a few months ago, HQ announced more official events around the world that will give athletes an opportunity to qualify for the CrossFit Games.

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Slain SAPD detective remembered with honorary CrossFit workout

Read more about the 20-year veteran of the San Antonio Police Department, Detective Benjamin Marconi, who inspired the official CrossFit Hero WOD: “Marconi”.

The 10 Stages of Every CrossFit Workout

BoxRox magazine recently posted a lighthearted (but accurate!) article about all the emotions CrossFit athletes endure before, during, and after a tough WOD.

Thanks for reading this post! Stay tuned to our blog for more CrossFit news!

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