Can you believe it’s already November? Our team is chugging away at some big features — personal training, a native iOS app, and restyling our layout — but we’re still producing features each week to optimize our software. Here’s what we’ve been working on:
- Admins and managers can view your leads reservations and attended classes from the new leads ‘Attendance’ sub-nav.
- Athletes who are no longer members at your gym will not display in the Top-Three Whiteboard Leaderboard and Leaderboards tab. Suspended athletes will continue to display.
- We now attempt transactions for plans/session created from the online sales portal immediately after ‘Complete Purchase’ is clicked. Previously we did not attempt the transaction until the user’s selected member start date.
- The Free Trial ‘Attended’ email now only is sent after the trial user’s first attended class. Previously it was being sent after each attended class.
- We updated how ‘Swipe Card’ appears on the payment method add screen. It should be more clear how and when to swipe a card to store to an athlete’s account.
We’re continuing to fire on all cylinders! Keep your eyes on our blog for more feature updates.