WodiFam Polls: Workouts, Deals, and Programming

WodiFam Polls: Workouts, Deals, and Programming

WodiFam Polls: Workouts, Deals, and Programming

If you’re a fitness business owner, you will want to keep your eyes peeled for our stories each week. Twice a week, we ask our WodiFam members their opinion on their favorite programming, gym owner’s decisions, and overall experiences. This is a great way to keep a pulse on the community and how your business decisions directly impact your customers.  

1. Solo or Group Workouts?

We asked you which type of workouts you prefer - solo workouts, partner workouts, or workouts that you get to crush with 2+ other people. We weren’t too surprised that people loved partner workouts as much as they loved solo workouts! We learned that so few people liked team workouts! The more the merrier. See the results below:

2. One or More Gym Specials?

We asked our #Wodifam if their gym only offered deals to new members and the answer shocked us! 88% of you said that your gym only offered one introductory deal and that was it! If you are a gym owner and want more information on retaining new clients, check out our blog, “Behind the Numbers: Why and How You Should Be Nurturing Your Newest Clients”, where we suggest offering a special that lasts past the first month! This will help retain your clients longer.

3. Favorite Kind of Clean?

We asked you all which movement you prefer: power cleans, squat cleans, or your choice is dependent on the weight on the bar. The majority of you chose power cleans as your favorite! This was surprising to us since a squat clean (generally) allows you to lift more weight! We were definitely expecting the highest result to be “Depends on the weight.”

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4. How Many Hours Spent on Programming?

We asked our gym owners in the house how many hours a week it takes to program for your gym. The majority of owners between 3-5 hours, which begs the question: why are so many owners are still programming their own workouts? We have the Workout Marketplace where you can choose which company you want to program for your gym! From NCFit to Deka Comp, we have all of your clients’ fitness needs covered! Check out our Instagram this month for more information on another partner of ours, Beyond RXD! By doing this you can save your precious time. Click here to check out more about Workout Marketplace.

5. Do Members Workout Less in the Winter?

We asked if the winter months affected the number of times you got to workout. Honestly, we weren’t shocked by this result. We know our #wodifam puts in the hard work and stays on the grind. We just added this in there to give you a virtual high-five. We love watching you all crush it on social media. Keep the tags and posts coming! You never know who you are inspiring! If you are a part of the 23%, save this for when the cold months roll back around!

6. Favorite Saturday Class Time?

We asked how early you prefer to workout on Saturdays. We learned that 68% of you prefer to workout BEFORE 9 am! There is apparently no rest for the wicked, even on the weekends! If you are a gym owner who is looking to optimize your class schedule, check this out.

Be sure to come back every week and see what the fitness community has to say! We post questions every Sunday and Wednesday and we love to hear from you! If you’re looking for more information as a client or gym owner, check out more of our blogs!

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Download a free PDF handbook with many of NCFIT’s gym management procedures and philosophies that you can implement in your gym today.
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