A question we get asked frequently is why we don’t have an 800 number for phone support. Why wouldn’t we want to help our customers as quickly as possible? It’s not because we don’t take your concerns lightly. In fact, the opposite is true. It’s simply a matter of philosophy and resource allocation.
We don’t offer 24-hour phone support for the same reason you don’t offer classes 24 hours a day. Go with us on this one. Through trial and error, you’ve discovered the optimal class times that are convenient for most of your members. And you’ve staffed those classes with trained coaches who can answer questions and keep things moving. The same is true with our phone support policy. We’ve designed our schedule to meet the times that are convenient for most box owners, exclusively staffed with skilled professionals who know our software inside and out.
Think about the alternative: You could offer more classes, but at the cost of having to use potentially less-than-stellar coaches, funded with money that might better be used elsewhere, like equipment or facility improvements. We face the same dilemma. Wodify could offer an 800 number, but that would mean taking resources away from other projects, like research, development, and product upgrades.
We don’t think you’re interested in sacrificing quality, and neither are we. You can be assured that the Customer Success agent you speak with knows how to quickly and clearly answer your questions. And by not relying on 24-hour phone support, we’re forced to constantly work hard to make our software more intuitive and easy to use, so that you won’t have to call us in the first place.
Believe it or not, the reason why we ask you to pre-book a call is for your benefit. First off, when you make the appointment, it’s on your schedule. You’re not going to miss it because we called you back while you were in the middle of a personal training session, coaching a class or running errands. There is no phone tag. You always have the option of booking the next available Customer Success agent or scheduling a convenient time with someone you’ve worked with before.
Second, everyone on our Customer Success team is an expert. You might not get to speak with them immediately, but once you connect, you’re set. They’re not going to take a message and pass your problem up the ladder. They know how to get things done.
Third, in order to save you time in the future, our agents can jump on a shared screen and literally walk you through the process and show you how to resolve your issues, step by step. This helps you get more comfortable with the software.
Not having a 24-hour phone support system might seem frustrating or counterintuitive, but we’ve developed our policy with your best interests in mind. By using our resources efficiently, you’re guaranteed a trained professional to help you with your call, booked to match your schedule, all the while knowing that we’re constantly hard at work making Wodify as complete as possible.