5 Mixed Martial Arts Moves to Master

5 Basic Mixed Martial Arts Moves Every Beginner Should Know

5 Mixed Martial Arts Moves to Master

There are a plethora of moves within each leg of the Mixed Martial Arts world, whether it be wrestling, boxing, Muay Thai, or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, just to name a few. There are some moves that carry over between variations of the sport, but most moves can be categorized as either an offensive or defensive movement.

We’ve created a list of 5 basic MMA movements that you will need to master depending on which sport you decide on. You can easily find breakdowns of these moves on the internet, but be sure to do your research and get a qualified trainer.

Bonus: if the MMA gym uses Wodify Core for their programming.


This move is fundamental to the sport of wrestling. There are three variations of this movement - the single-leg takedown, the double-leg takedown, and the basic shot takedown. Shoutout to Evolve MMA for breaking these down for us. Check them out for video breakdown of each movement, then hit the mat!


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu moves has us set up for success on the art of shrimping. If you have tight hips, you may want to first start by getting them mobile since this move is powered by them. You’ll want to master this move so you are able to get yourself out of any holds created by your opponent. 

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Fightrr has the hook broken down for us on their site. This movement is a fundamental of any MMA sport since it can be used to initiate, in the middle of, or to finish off a combination. It’s up to you whether you want to use this as a combination or a total knockout punch. 


We’ve talked all about offensive moves, but you also need to know how to defend yourself when it comes to MMA. This is where using a block comes in. As explained by MMA Revolution, there are many different blocking techniques. Some utilize the upper body and some utilize the lower body. Pick your poison based on what position you find yourself wrapped up in, figuratively and literally.


It’s no secret that any style of MMA you choose, you will need to have a lot of experience when it comes to footwork and the bounce step. This “allows the fighter to change directions quickly and can also be used to cover more distance, at the cost of using more energy”, as Expert Boxing put it. Check out their videos here for a detailed breakdown on this move!

Don’t forget to tag us on social media as you begin to master these basic moves 😉

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