Creative Swag Ideas for Your CrossFit Competition

Many CrossFit competitions are held not for prize money but for other, more competitive reasons. In some cases, these are qualifying competitions for larger events down the road, and other times they exist for the primary purpose of raising funds for some charitable cause. Still, the people coming to a gym for a competition deserve some sort of reward for their participation and hard work, and that’s why many of the gyms using Wodify Arena hand out unique swag to their participants.

Not all swag is created equal, however, as anybody knows who has ever been to a corporate conference and come home with entirely too many post-it pads and cheap pens. If you want your competition participants to leave your CrossFit events excited, maybe consider more exciting, creative swag ideas like the following:

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Design Customized t-shirts & more:

Customized Apparel

You can never go wrong with a great t-shirt, though it’s also hard to call that a “creative” swag idea for a CrossFit competition. Instead, try branching out to try some different types of customized apparel items, like:
- hoodies,
- polo shirts,
- vests,
- athletic socks,
- baseball caps.
- Etc.
These days, you can slap a gym logo onto just about anything, so try some different types of apparel to break free of the t-shirt malaise most competitors have grown accustomed to.

Practical Items

There are all sorts of everyday items available to spice up a swag bag, including things like:
- journals,
- clipboards,
- keychains,
- and zippered pouches to hold onto valuables.
There are, of course, several other items from which to choose (and several online companies that manufacture them), any of which make good swag following a competition.

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Design Customized gadgets:


Everybody loves a good gadget, but a simple customized USB drive isn’t the prize it used to be.
Today, there are:
- waterproof smartphone cases,
- cardboard VR headsets,
- external batteries for cell phones,
- LED headlights,
- and other such gadgets.
If you bump into something you any athlete would love and use, find a way to get your gym’s logo on it here and add it to your swag bags.

Fitness Equipment

Perhaps the most appropriate types of swag for a CrossFit competition is the type that CrossFit athletes can use at the gym. Water bottles are the low-hanging fruit in this instance, but there also are hand grips, headbands, wristbands, jump ropes, a safety light band for night running, or even larger, pricier items like yoga mats or duffel bags. Your gym members will love these types of things, perhaps mixed and matched with some of the items listed above. You can find a vendor here.

Any gym can improve the quality of their CrossFit competitions by adding some of these creative swag ideas, and don’t forget to use Wodify Arena to help make your competition run smoothly. Good luck finding the perfect swag for your prizes. Hopefully your winners use them reliably and see that sweet gym logo in their everyday lives. There is no such thing as too many reminders to hit the gym!

Ready to put what you’ve learned into practice?
Download a free PDF handbook with many of NCFIT’s gym management procedures and philosophies that you can implement in your gym today.
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