For many of your members, just getting in the gym to throw around some weights and get a good workout in is enough. However, there are other types (and potential clients) who crave a little more motivation. For them, a good, old fashioned competition gets them walking through the door.
Of course, “old-fashioned” competitions can always use a little innovation and improvement. The following are some creative competition ideas for your box, all of which can be easy to run using Wodify Arena software.
One type of competition many gyms overlook is one made up of rookie participants (i.e. members who have never entered a competition.) Your regulars might not remember a time when they were the new face at the gym, but it can be terribly intimidating being the new kid on the block. To reduce their anxiety, we suggest running a rookie competition where new members can work and move at a more reasonable pace while still getting the thrill of being in a competitive environment.
The Summer Olympics come and go only every four years, but gym owners can take advantage of Olympics-like excitement every year by hosting a competition that mixes traditional CrossFit movements with Olympic-style Track & Field events.
Building a team for a competition is a great way to foster community in your gym. Whether it’s through an in-house CrossFit competition or a lifestyle challenge designed using Wodify Rise, staying on track and accountable is much easier and more fun as a team than going alone.
Why keep everything in-house? Pitting local teams and boxes against each other can be really fun, too. Get in touch with a few gyms in the area to share costs, equipment, and facilities for a bigger competition, and create some great camaraderie along the way.
Whatever type of competition you want to organize, Wodify Arena and Wodify Rise are affordable and easy-to-use solutions that get you up and running in no time. So get creative and try out one of these competition ideas today!