It seems that no matter where you are, companies are finding ways to utilize videos. Long-form or short-form videos and videos for television or social media, there is a benefit to having a video to watch. The same goes for workout or exercise videos. People learn in all different ways. As a coach or teacher, you must be able to educate your clients in a variety of ways to best suit their style of learning.
We know it can be challenging to write the perfect description for difficult exercises or complex movements. We also know a written description takes time and while some will understand your step-by-step instructions, they will also happily take all the guidance you offer. A visual representation can help all your clients better understand and ensure they are learning safely and effectively.
Retaining clients and encouraging an engaged community are two common goals of fitness business owners and with the use of video you can achieve both. We put together a list of simple strategies as to why you should start to incorporate video into your curriculum. These helpful tips will help save you time and keep clients coming back for more.
When working with clients in a large class setting or virtually, it can be difficult to ensure they are maintaining the proper form or movement of an exercise. When you create a video it is meant to be shared so that all clients or class members can follow along. By using a video you can walk clients through the specific pieces of a workout at your own pace and clarify the importance of form.
Remember a workout or movement video can be as short and sweet or indepth as you see necessary. The instruction you feel should be provided is completely up to you and your team, but this is also a chance on camera to provide any additional details that can help your clients progress. Try writing down a quick script of bulleting out your main points to help keep you focused and direct when filming.
With Wodify you can embed videos directly into a workout you programmed to allow for access in the Wodify mobile app and while in your business. This will ensure clients are as prepared as possible before attempting something new. Provide your clients with a video ahead of class or a workout to encourage proper movement by demonstrating what they should achieve.
If you are taking the time to film a video for your clients, you could be leveraging the content to bring in new leads. Fitness businesses need to stand out from their local compeition, and this is an easy way to do that. You will first want to make sure you have set-up a social media account for your business either on Facebook, Instagram or both!
As you create workout or coaching videos you can then post it on your social media and other platforms, such as email, to reach a greater audience. Not only will you find yourself marketing to new customers in an effective way, but it establishes credibility with viewers as you demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This is a simple way to stand out and build a strong advantage over your competition. We also have some tips on how to start incorporating a video strategy within your marketing plan.
Videos are fun and easy to share for any of your coaches or employees. Videos are also more engaging that a static post which is easier for viewers to scroll right past. Repurposing videos could lead to more conversions and even more of a purpose to film.
When you create an explainer video you will reach more clients, more often and you begin to build a constant form of teaching, all while saving time. Time is valuable to your coaches and by giving them a chance to explain a workout or movement once, you are creating a chance for them to spend more time with others who need it.
When you give your clients a chance to prepare before a class and the tools to keep learning after a class you are able to eliminate the redundancy a coach may feel when explaining repeated exercises or tips.
With the use of videos, your business can run more efficiently when you have the time to run it. Any video you create for your classes, whether it is for a workout, community updates, or nutritional advice, it will benefit your success in the long run.
These are just a few simple strategies to keep in mind if you are now considering leveraging video or ready to start filming today. If you have been using video or have more ideas make sure to tag us, @Wodify, so we can help spread the word!
Ready to start growing your business and retaining clients? Give our team a call to learn more about how Wodify can help and get a free business consultation. Book your call here.