We caught up with the founders of Warmup & Workout. They were eager to not only share their passion behind their business, but also within the fitness industry. They realized back in 2015, that offering programming to affiliates would help to save gym owner’s time and help them get out of their office & back into the gym. Today they currently offer five different programming options.
A: Taz has been in the fitness industry since 2006. Her athletic background is swimming, sprint kayaking and she has a degree in exercise science. She has been a programmer and lesson planner since her very first gym and has honed her skills to an art. She also happens to be a 3-time CrossFit Games competitor. Pat has been doing CrossFit since 2004 and coaching it since 2007. He has been a CrossFit Seminar Staff member since 2008 and is a 6-time CrossFit Games athlete.
A: We were the first company in the affiliate program space to offer lesson plans for coaches. We saw that as a void that coaches desperately needed so we jumped in, in 2015.
A: WUWO was founded on CrossFit programming but we have been specialists in that since 2008.
A: If you are just starting to do CrossFit I would say be consistent and enjoy the process. Don't be too focused on an individual goal but make sure you celebrate every success you have and there will be many. The best thing you can do is make sure you are at a gym where the coaches care about your well-being and make the space feel like a home away from home.
A: If you are just starting to train others in CrossFit, I would say be confident in yourself but understand that you suck at what you do. This isn't a slight against you, it's just the reality of being new to coaching. You will improve as time goes on as long as you are self-aware and never stop learning. Also, be open to learning from every angle possible and never think that you have "figured it out". Also, be wary of people who tell you they have it figured out as that is usually just a way to get you to buy what they are selling.
A: I think I would give the same answer to a member deciding which gym in town to go to. Find one that you believe in. Find one that the words of it speak to you and the people behind it seem like genuine people who want the best for you, in all regards. If you and your coaches don't believe in the programming and programmers then the delivery will fall flat. Ignore hype and go with something that speaks to the values that you want your gym to hold.
A: Ha! All of them. We do feel that all forms of squatting are pretty essential to being a more functional human so those tend to work their way in often.
A: We did a world tour where we visited gyms on our program. We went everywhere from the east coast of the US, to Ireland, to South Africa and Australia. The trip is an amazing memory but the communities we met along the way and the individual people that we're so stoked to hang out and meet us (the people responsible for their daily torture) was the absolute best part.
Do you have Warm Up and Workout Programming at your gym? Take a selfie post-wod and tag us on social media - @wodify!