The 15 Best CrossFit WODs for Beginners (Part 2)

CrossFit is an intense total body workout designed for individuals of any fitness level. The following workouts are challenging for everyone, but were designed for those who are motivated to get great results, even if they don’t have a whole lot of experience. These workouts can all be modified by reps, rounds, or even equipment (like substituting dumbbells for kettlebells, or medicine balls for weighted plates.

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Once you’ve caught your breath and picked yourself off the floor, don’t forget to record your results with Wodify Perform in the gym or on your smartphone so you can stay on track and meet your goals. If you’re a member of a gym that doesn’t use Wodify for performance tracking, forward them this blog post! Your fellow athletes will thank you :)

(If you missed Part 1 with more beginner workouts, check it out here.)

1. Up The Ladder

For time:
10 squats
20 sit ups
20 squats
20 push ups
30 squats
20 sit ups
40 squats
20 push ups
50 squats

2. Defying Gravity  

15 minute EMOM (Complete all reps, every minute on the minute, for 15 minutes.)
5 burpees
10 jumping lunges
5 squats

3. Feel The Burn

18 min AMRAP (Complete as many reps as possible in 18 minutes)
9 Russian twists
9 Lunges on plate (L+R=1)
9 squats with plate
9 sit ups with plate
9 mountain climbers (L+R=1)
9 pull ups

4. Black and Blue

30 min AMRAP
5 burpees
10 25-pound dumbbell shoulder presses (each arm)
15 box jumps
20 DB 25# front squats
25 sit ups
300 meter run

5. All Boxed In

5 rounds:
10 35-pound kettlebell goblet squats
10 box jumps
20 35-pound Russian kettlebell swings
20 box jumps

6. The Burpee Row

500 meter row
10 burpees
400 meter row
15 burpees
300 meter row
20 burpees
200 meter row
25 burpees

7. Take Your Medicine

3 rounds:
20 14-pound medicine ball cleans
200 meter row
20 14-pound wall balls
200 meter row

8. Road Trip

4 rounds:
15 cal bike
15 anchored leg raises

9. Bar Crawl

3 rounds
5 Burpees
10 70-pound kettlebell deadlift
15 Toes-to-Bar

10. Heart of Gold

Pull ups
Sit ups

11. Fast and Loose

3 85-pound barbell deadlifts
3 85-pound power cleans
3 85-pound front squats
3 box jumps to a 20” box

12. Wicked Game

10 min AMRAP
10 burpees
10 25-pound dumbbell squats
10 25-pound dumbbell push presses

13. Ring the Bell

4 rounds:
6 box step-ups with a kettlebell
10 push ups
14 Russian kettlebell swings
18 goblet squats

14.  Quad Goals

2 min- bike
2 min - squats
2 min - bike
2 min- push ups
2 min- bike
2 min- sit ups

15.  Push, Sit, & Run

400 meter run
10 push ups
400 meter run
10 sit ups
400 meter run
10 push ups
400 meter run
10 sit ups

BONUS WOD: The Grazing Rhino

8 minute AMRAP:
6 pull ups
6 alternating dumbbell snatches

Need more fitness inspiration? Read the 5 Mixed Martial Arts Moves to Master

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