Behind the Numbers: Improving Lead Conversion Rate Based on Attendance Trends

Behind the Numbers: Improving Lead Conversion Rate Based on Attendance Trends

Behind the Numbers: Improving Lead Conversion Rate Based on Attendance Trends


In June of 2021, we wrote about how to get more paying clients by improving your lead conversion rate.  Through our research, we discovered that getting leads into your gym quickly can significantly increase your conversion rate. But is this still true almost two years later? Let's find out!

It is clear to business owners that acquiring leads, and converting them into clients is a necessary step to the growth of your business. Lots of elements go into converting a lead, but we want to focus on two key factors the data shows us

In this BTN we will dive deep into:

  1. Does a lead attending a class increase their likelyhood of converting?
  2. Does the timeframe in which the lead attends a class affect their likelihood of converting? 

The Data Uncovered

We looked at fresh 2022 data, and found that it is still true that getting leads into your gym as quickly as you can significantly increases your conversion rate

2022 Data

  • Conversion rate of leads who attend a class:  45%
  • Conversion rate of leads who do not attend a class: 35% 

Diving deeper, we analyzed the difference between conversion rates based on when a class attendance occurs relative to when the lead was created. We found that in 2022 the likelihood of a lead converting decreases by 20% if they do not attend a class in the first 12 days. 

To summarize, while the biggest driver in lead conversion rate is whether they attend a class or not, the second biggest driver is when they attend that class (the sooner the better).

Since 2021, there was a 5% increase in the likelihood into a customer if they attended a class within the first 12 days of becoming a lead. This highlights the importance of having leads attend a class as soon as possible, especially with so many online options these days

Wodify customers can easily access information about lead conversions under the Insights tab on their  account! We offer visualizations to help track:

  1. Lead Conversion Rates
  2. Average Days to Conversion
  3. Total Leads by Source
  4. Lead Conversion Rates by Source

Check out this example below: 

The Impact on a Fitness Business Owner’s Bottom Line + Tips

So now that you know, what can you do with this information? We have some suggestions!

  1. Prioritize following up with leads as soon as possible to schedule a class. You can do this through automated emails or dedicated staff resources to do so. 
  2. Offer incentives or promotions to leads for attending a class within the first 12 days to increase the likelihood of conversion and improve the bottom line.
  3. Use Wodify Insights to monitor class attendance rates of leads and identify trends. Use this personalized data to adjust class schedules accordingly, potentially offering more options during high-converting timeframes.
  4. Consider implementing a lead nurturing program to keep potential customers engaged and informed, potentially through targeted email campaigns or personalized outreach. Wodify Communication allows you to send out automated email campaigns, making the process much easier!
  5. Use a Customer Retention Platform (CRP) software to improve your sales and marketing strategies to fit your needs. Wodify is the first and only CRP in the market, and has the power to transform your lead conversion rates and increase your retention!

We hope you found these insights & advice useful for your business! Keep an eye out for more posts in this series as we continue to explore the data in Wodify. 

If you aren’t using Wodify yet, you can book a free consultation here.

Want to keep learning? Check out our other Behind The Numbers posts:

The Most Valueable Months to Sign Up New Clients

Why Fall is the Most Important Season to Nurture Your Members

How You Should Really Be Keeping Track of Your Business Data

The Secret To Saving Time & Money as a Fitness Business Owner

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